Cynulliad Cenedlaethol Cymru
Y Pwyllgor Plant, Pobl Ifanc ac Addysg
Ymchwiliad i Hawliau plant yng Nghymru
CRW 12                    

Ymateb gan: Clybiau Plant Cymru



National Assembly for Wales
Children, Young People and Education Committee Inquiry into Children’s rights in Wales

CRW 12        

Response from: Kids’ Clubs






Do you think the Rights of Children and Young Persons (Wales) Measure 2011 has influenced the Welsh Government’s decision making?


Yes, the Measure has influenced the Welsh Government’s decision making but it has been a slow process, this process may not necessarily have been due to the Welsh Government but other public bodies implementing the principles of the Measure.



Do you think the Welsh Government has fulfilled the Convention’s ‘general measures’ of implementation?





Do you think the Measure has led to improved outcomes for children and young people?


Yes, the Measure has led to improved outcomes for children and young people and with the Welsh Government’s ‘Taking Wales Forward’ (2016-2021) those outcomes can only keep on improving. 


Do you think the Welsh Government has embedded its duties within the Measure effectively across Government?


Yes, however there are times where this is not clear and so the Welsh Government should ensure transparency to clearly show that the Measure has been embedded within its duties.


How well do you think the Welsh Government has sought to make sure that its duties within the Measure are put into practice within local authorities and NHS bodies?


Through training and raising awareness, it should ensure the duties are put into good practice.

With the introduction of the new ALN Code this should make sure the rights of children and young people are put at the centre of the service provided to those children and young people.



How well do you think the Welsh Government has promoted knowledge and understanding of the UNCRC amongst the public, including children and young people?


The Welsh Government has promoted knowledge by seeking other parties to reach out but they may need to reach out further to ensure that those that are the most vulnerable and hard to reach are captured.



Child Rights Impact Assessment is used to assess systematically the impact on children of laws, policies or budgetary allocations as measured against the Articles of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC) and domestic human rights/child wellbeing frameworks. Do you think the Welsh Government uses this tool in practice and in a meaningful way?





Do you think the Children’s Rights Scheme is effective and that the Welsh Government evidence enough action to ensure full implementation of the Measure?




How effectively do you feel the Welsh Government responds to the Concluding Observations of the UN Committee on the Rights of the Child.



The Welsh Government has responded well and seems to have taken on board the recommendations of the UN Committee namely:


Creating a Play Friendly Wales

ALN Code

Welsh Youth Parliament

Prosperity for All